Talia Lavor first talked about her first breastfeeding experience. She was a Physician Assistant ( PA) and thought that breastfeeding would happen naturally and be fairly easy. Sure she expected a few bumps in the road, but nothing like the pain and frustration that happened during her hospital stay. In Part 1 of her interview she told us how she got through the early weeks and finally reached a point where she felt much more comfortable with breastfeeding. In Part 2, she introduces us to her second baby, a beautiful boy named Henry.

It is understandable for her to go into her second breastfeeding experience feeling confident. After all, she breastfed Stella for a year and a half and was a pro at it now. The interesting thing that we realize as moms is that every baby is different. No carbon copies here! Moms could be the same person with all the same knowledge and yet you are blessed with a different baby. Talia talks in detail her experience with oversupply and a baby who was diagnosed with a lingual tongue tie. Breastfeeding was miserable and initially she could not understand why. Her babies pediatrician could not find anything wrong and told her that as long as her baby was gaining well ( which he was), things were going well.

Frustrated, but determined to make this work, Talia talked to friends and did some research on her own. Her best friend recommended the IBCLC that she saw and that would be me – Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC It was a pleasure working with Talia as she was so highly motivated to get to her breastfeeding “happy place.” Watching her baby Henry nurse was quite interesting. He was chugging down his milk – gulp, gulp, gulp, It was a very uncomfortable feeding for him because he could not maintain a good latch, he would come up choking and sputtering and it looked like he was drowning in his mommy’s milk. Fast flow and tons of milk along with a baby that has a tongue tie is not a very good combination. Listen to the complete show as Talia tells us every emotion she experienced as she went through the process of deciding to have Henry evaluated. Her pain and suffering did not stop there. She had to weigh the benefits vs. the risk and the angst this caused her. Talia tells us what happened when she realized the “fix” was not going to be overnight. Take a listen – http://www.allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/podcast/