All About Breastfeeding Blog
All the latest breastfeeding news and point of viewsA lovely breastfeeding video
Prescription Milk: Trailer
We need to combine the advanced medical technology with the human technology and have both work together to save the lives of babies born prematurely. Feeding premature babies donated human milk is life saving. The latest statistics show that 1 in 8 babies are born...
Moms sharing breast milk – Channel 12 Interview
I was recently interviewed on Channel 12 News in Phoenix, Arizona.HUMAN MILK FOR HUMAN BABIES! This is what I would have liked the headlines to say!The interview lasted close to 30 minutes and below is the final piece. One of these days I will have an opportunity for...
Nursing mother kicked out of McDonald’s
Clarissa Bradford was told to leave a Phoenix McDonald's Wednesday night because she was breastfeeding her 6 month old baby. When the assistant manager told her to leave, Clarissa responded by stating that by Arizona law she was allowed to breastfeed her baby anywhere...
Breastfeeding is NOT suppose to hurt – Part 2
During childbirth, the pains we feel from contractions do hurt and yet this is pain with a purpose. The work of labor is to cause the uterine muscle to go through changes that create the stretching of the uterine muscles... all to help bring your baby down and out...
Breastfeeding…….is NOT suppose to hurt
That is right! Breastfeeding is not suppose to hurt. Breastfeeding your baby can sometimes be tiring for some mothers in the early days, but it is not suppose to hurt. So, why do so many mothers spend weeks on end enduring significant pain before they either get help...
World Breastfeeding Week Tribute
World Breastfeeding Week highlights the role of health professionals
Please watch this video which discusses the Ten Steps to Healthy Breastfeeding.All parents to be should be made aware of this information as they go through the process of choosing where they would like to give birth and who they would like to participate in the...
Breastfeeding is …beautiful
Another nice video to share in honor World Breastfeeding Week
Official Keep Austin Breastfeeding Flash Mob 2010
I love the power and energy of moms. This video brings a whole new level to Flash Dance/Flash Moms. Check out this video and see if it motivates you to get something going in your neck of the woods to celebrate breastfeeding. Send me your video and I will be happy to...

Lori J Isenstadt IBCLC
Lori is a huge breastfeeding supporter. She has spent much of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.
Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant. She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years. Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges. She helps families prenatally prepare for breastfeeding. Lori also helps when the baby is here and breastfeeding challenges arise.
She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out. You can reach Lori by email at: