All About Breastfeeding Blog
All the latest breastfeeding news and point of viewsGREAT NEW PRODUCT
Based on all the babies I see in their car seats with their heads lopsided, I know that it is a much needed item. I spent some time chatting with the developors of SnugZee and here is what I learned:How is SnugZee Different?1. The rainbow shaped pillows that are...
Breastfed babies and the heat
I frequently get asked if there is a need for breastfed babies to be given water during the heat of the summer. Breastfed babies do not need water - keep in mind that breastmilk is 88% water. Even in the first few days after birth, before mom's milk has "come in",...
Breastfeeding and Risk for Fever after Immunization
This is taken from the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.Published online May 17, 2010 A study just published in Pediatrics looked at the incidence of fever after immunizations among babies who were exclusively breastfed, partially breastfed, and...
Ahhhhhhhhh Cool Air
Thanks to everyone who has inquired about the comfort level in my home. Lots of freon was added and 3 days later the a/c is still working... and working well. So, is it a leak??? or not?? That is the question. For right now, I am riding it out and enjoying 3 days in a...
Business, Heat and The Air Conditioner
Yes, so it has been a week since I have blogged. The temperatures here in Phoenix Arizona have risen to the triple digits. And yes, it is a dry heat. And when it is 90 and 95 and 98, it is really not so bad. In fact, I like the weather at 95. Something shifts in a BIG...
Human Milk Banking
Would you like to know:How do I become a milk donor?How do I order human donor milk?What is a donor milk bank?How does a donor milk bank operate?Where is the donor milk used?Why use donor milk?"Experts recommend breastfeeding exclusively for six months and the...
Pregnant? And Breastfeeding?
You are pregnant... and happy about it....... but.... ooops.... you are still breastfeeding your 15 month old baby. Now what should you do? Well, how you proceed depends entirely up to you, your health and of course, your 15 month old baby will have a say in this...
Medela Symphony Breastpump
I just received a new shipment of brand new Medela Symphony hospital grade breastpump. These are great pumps to rent if:1. You did not want to purchase a pump.2. You are looking for THE most comfortable pump on the market today.3. You are trying to help build your...
A substance in human milk can kill cancer cells
Substance in Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells, Study SuggestsScienceDaily (Apr. 23, 2010) — A substance found in breast milk can kill cancer cells, reveal studies carried out by researchers at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.Although the special...
Federal Health Reform and Nursing Mothers
On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, H.R. 3590. Follow the link below to learn more about what this means to employers and employees with regards to an employer being required to provide reasonable break time for...

Lori J Isenstadt IBCLC
Lori is a huge breastfeeding supporter. She has spent much of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.
Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant. She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years. Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges. She helps families prenatally prepare for breastfeeding. Lori also helps when the baby is here and breastfeeding challenges arise.
She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out. You can reach Lori by email at: